
About Carisen Collective


We Are Carisen

Carisen Collective started as a small loosely-connected community. Every now and then were DJ mixes, game nights, and other happenings to keep us engaged. Some of us were aspiring music producers and other creatives; others were there to have a good time after a long day.


Above all, however, we were a community of creative misfits.

Misfits who brainstorm their next album and experiment away on a keyboard.

Misfits who paint something from nothing— a blank canvas.

Misfits whose personalities fill the room during a game or two.

Each of us are on our own paths, but none have to walk that path alone. Each of us have something to learn from one another. Ultimately, each of us can contribute to something greater than the sum of us all to make our voices heard.

A record label.

A network of budding artists.

A channel of content from our most memorable games and experiences.



We don't claim to be one of the best communities around. In fact, we're just like any other. But that thing that keeps us on our paths, that spark-- that's what we're all here for.